Jess the Ice Queen of Gunsan

The foot of the pole.

SpiderCam. .... his name is Cam. He's a teacher at my school.

That damn bird crapped all down my face.

Halloween fireworks (pul got nori) on the streets of Gunsan.

Brydie and the 'Money Tree' (Addie).

Claire the wicked witch of Gunsan calling her flying monkeys.

Sheena 'Medusa' and the gender bending Chris.

The clothesline in its full effect.


The ever awkward Keith (haha, just kidding) in the background. Wez and Gareth sucking 'blood' in the foreground.

Che and his North Korean counterpart (Marc and Holly).

The Vampires - Gareth, Wez and Adam.

Aawwwww. Look at the cute chipmunk. Or is it a bear or squirrel. Oh wait no... it's just Mike.

An aged Che.

Who says money doesn't grow on trees. By the end of the night people had added about 30 dollars.

Marc, Keith and Claire

Joe and Susan. Ouch!

Marc and Sheena.

Jess and Sheena.

Wow. Thats all I got to say. Wow. I think alcohol may have resulted in this photo.

I gotta say... I do make a good post.

The 'Money Tree' in it's full effect.

Boy, did he nail it. Keith.

The 'Ice Queen' in full.

Joe. You should've seen the other guy.
/The best costume ever

The left post

The right post