Thursday, October 13, 2005

Seoul, Korea

/I've only been to Seoul once so I can't really tell you that much about it. My first impression though, is that its quite an amazing city. It's really a world-class city. The metro and bus system is amazing and cheap. On my visit I stayed with some friends from Trent in Itaewon. Itaewon is the foreigner district. You can get any and all designer clothes for dirt cheap. Tonnes of shops and western restaurants. There is also quite a selection of internation foods in Itaewon, including: Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Spanise, Indian, Middle-Eastern and more... Besides Itaewon I visited the Korean War Museum. It is probably the best and biggest museum I have ever been to. Bigger then the MET. My last night in Seoul I went to a graffiti art show called K-Spray.. soooo cool. There were artists from around the world, including 2 from Ottawa! It takes about 3 hours to get to Seoul by bus, so i plan on going pretty often. One thing i should note about the Korean intercity bus system is that the buses are super luxurious. Each chair is like a laz-e-boy and they plan TV shows and movies, no matter how long the trip. Stupid Greyhound!

Itaewon side streets.

Friends from Trent (Jess, Kevo, Ruth, Brandon and Brydie) at a sum gyup sal (BBQ pork) restaurant in downtown Seoul.

K-Spray exhibit... stencil art.

Part of the Korean War Museum... huge!

Some of the weaponry on display outside the museum. Not seen here are the gigantic jet bombers, submarines and artillery.

One of the great parts of the museum was that the on the floor were signs indicating the path you should take through the musuem. If you follow the signs you will take a chronological tour of the entire history of war in Korea, dating back thousands of years. This is the first room - A meditation room.

Most of the displays included life sized make-ups of villiges, camps, military bases/forts from each century. The above picture is post 1950s Korean War.

Outside the museum is this statue portraying a two brothers who met on the battle field (One fought for NKorea the other for SK). Note, it is the bigger/stronger SK brother holding his small NK brother.

There will be more Seoul pictures to come as soon as I go back.


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