Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gunsan, Korea (Home Sweet Home)

/Ok. Welcome to Gunsan, South Korea. Pop 280 000, 95% of which live in cookie-cutter appartment buildings. Although the population isn't enormous, the city feels like its huge. There are tonnes of bar clubs and stores. Gunsan is also an international port city, with boats leaving to Japan and China. Just outside the city is an American military base. In between the city and the base is a district called 'America town' which is pretty much made up of BBQ chicken restaurants, cheap clothing and electronic stores and hiphop clubs.

/The city-scape pictures were taken from the hallway window of my appartment. The kitchen/livingroom picture is my appartment. Actually this appartment is where I stayed for my first month here. I'm now living with my friend Brydie from Trent. Both appartments are in the Naun-dong district and are just down the street from each other. Most of the teachers live in Naun-dong. The school where I teach is about 3 blocks away from my new appartment.

Gunsan nightclub district. Unfortunately close to my appartment.

My living room and kitchen.

My bedroom.

/Gunsan has two really nice parks. Eunpa is a small park just outside of my appartment. It is built around a really nice lake and is home to many burrial mounds. Koreans burry their dead where ever there is a nice plot of land with a good view, usually in a forested area.

/Wolmyeong Park marks the western border Gunsan. The park is pretty large (bigger than Eunpa) and has some amazing hiking trails. The view from any of the many hills is beautiful. Within the park are various Buddhist landmarks including a few temples.

/I've met a tone of great people here. Most of us are teachers and we all work really hard Monday to Friday. This inevitably means we have to overcompensate on the weekends and we tend to stay out well past 5am. Here are some pics of a pretty average Saturday evening in Gunsan-city.

Dinner out with friends.

Hwe (raw fish) and the many side dishes that accompany it.

Mr. Pun (my Tuk Kong Musul teacher) dishing out the Soju.

Mr. Pan and me.

A slanty photo taken at a Makoli (Korea alcholic beverage) bar.

The Norai Bung (Karaoke). Picture taken probably around 5am.

Kushi Jung Market in downtown Gunsan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Looks like I"ll be coming to Gunsan by Nov 1, 2006. Looking for english speaking people there! Email me at

P.S - Just saw Tool in Calgary, holy shit what a show!!

2:26 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I understand people like you.You really think people are interested in your stupid pathetic life here in gunsan.Ive been around, and this city is right up there with the most boring, industrialized and polluted cities I've ever had the displeasure of visiting.


12:30 p.m.  
Blogger Jacob Reiter said...

Which would be better for an evening Date,Wolmyeong Park or Eunpa park???

10:29 a.m.  

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